Our pastor reminds us often that we're all in process, that we're all growing in our walk with God and that none of us have "arrived" yet. We're all sinners saved by God's grace if we repent of our sin, believe in our hearts that Jesus died on the cross and was raised from the dead, publicly confess that He is our Lord, and don't continue to willfully practice sin. The last part of this statement is often overlooked in America today. (You can check out what the Bible says about that here.) We believe this applies to any activity or behavior condemned in the scriptures.
Rather than focus on myriad specific sins, however, we focus on the love of God and His ability to transform us by His power. Because of that, we will lovingly encourage everyone, regardless of background or beliefs, to draw closer to God and to let Him bring about a metamorphosis in their lives. All people who seek to learn and/or apply these principles in an atmosphere of care and kindness are welcome to attend New Hope, and all are welcome to come to the foot of the cross to leave their old life behind and be transformed by God's love and His mighty Spirit!