A key part of demonstrating God's love to others and living out the values we hold dear is doing ministry: meeting the needs of others around us. We can't do everything, but we aim to do the following with excellence and great passion.
ministries of new hope
embrace grace
Embrace Grace provides emotional, physical, and spiritual support for all expectant moms, married and single, experiencing unexpected, challenging, or complicated pregnancies. Groups meet in person or online for 12 weeks with textbook/video curriculum, peer and leader mentoring, discipleship, and a customized baby shower! Meets Sundays from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. Contact Fran & Anna Del Duca at 724-244-0391 and visit embracegrace.com for more information.
embrace life GROUPS
Embrace Life Groups are ongoing support meetings for moms that share strategies to overcome challenges related to complex, real-life issues. Peer relationships and leader mentoring help moms to care well for their children and have their dreams! We meet on Sundays from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm and are, in part, a continuum of Embrace Grace. Every mom is welcome! Contact Fran & Anna Del Duca at 724-244-0391.
embrace essentials
Embrace Essentials meets in the Gateway Cafe every Sunday at noon. All parents and primary caregivers are welcome. Complimentary light brunch is provided, along with weekly supplies of infant formula, baby/toddler foods, diapers, pull-ups, and wipes. If you would like to support Embrace Essentials, click on the Donate tab of the menu above and select “Give to Embrace Essentials.” Contact Fran & Anna Del Duca at 724-244-0391 for more information.
elevate MEN's ministries
Our guys get together once a month for a Saturday breakfast, sometimes followed by a serving project. A men's life group also meets every Wednesday night at 6:30. Another long-term goal of Elevate is to develop men for senior leadership at New Hope.
gateway cafe
On Sunday mornings before and after our gathering, you'll find great fellowship happening around coffee, juice, fruit, and donuts. Come and get to know us better!
guest services
Our folks serve as greeters, ushers, security, and Information Center staffers.
Another large ministry, New Hope Kids encompasses all of our Sunday morning kids ministries from birth up through 5th grade.
life groups
Small groups for kids, youth, and adults meet weekly. Group topics are varied and quite extensive. We encourage every person to be involved with others during the week, through Life Groups.
missions & outreach
We take annual mission trips. We also support local, stateside, and foreign missionaries and mission organizations with prayer and finances. Local outreaches to our community happen throughout the year, as well.
From song lyrics on the big screen, to integrating video with the messages, to live-streaming the Sunday services, this team does it all.
Our incredible nursery is open to help parents get the most out of our gatherings on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. On Sunday morning, we love on littles ages 6 weeks to the 3rd birthday when they transition to Pre-School Church. At Family Night we love on them up until the 3rd birthday when they transition to the kids' life group.
Prayer is and will always be the backbone of any church or ministry. We offer several prayer meetings: Sundays at 9:00-9:45 AM, and the first Sunday of each month at 6:30 PM.
sound team
In our modern age of audio amplification, equalizers, and electric instruments, this invaluable crew aids on Sunday mornings. We also call on them for special events regularly.
thrive discipleship course
By estimates, only 5% of Christians have been systematically discipled and trained in how Jesus said to live. We offer this course on a one-on-one basis to help enhance discussion.
worship team
We are blessed with a dynamic and anointed worship team that leads us in adoring God on Sunday mornings!
young adults
Young adults ages 18-30 come together on Tuesdays at 7:00 in New Hope's Living Room. Food, fellowship, discussion, worship, and prayer mark most evenings.
young at heart
Adults ages 55 and up come together for food and fellowship on the 2nd Friday of each month, in New Hope's Gateway Cafe. Join us!
New Hope Youth is on a trajectory of growth and solid maturity. Young people in grades 6-12 meet at Family Night on Wednesdays at 6:30 in the youth building.